Rain Water Harvesting


In urban areas, rainwater can be collected from the roof, paved and unpaved areas of a house, a block of flats, a colony, a park, a playground, parking areas, schools ect. Further, this water will be trapped and treated by installed filtration chambers. Finally, the clean water will be flushed to replenish groundwater level.

A few basic elements are common to all rainwater harvesting (RWH) systems

  • The catchment area, where the rain falls.
  • The conveyance, or conduit, system that channels the flow of water in a given direction.
  • Filtration system and water dispensing units.
  • The recharge area, where harvested rainwater is used to replenish groundwater.

Simple architecture of RWH.


Anand Water Harvesting uses Gravity Based Non-pressurized Rainwater Harvesting units. Our unique design help us aim for 70% utilization of total rainfall in the catchment area.

We as a consultants give recommendations and requirements for the project for maximum conservation of water as a resource. Keeping in mind that our ultimate moto is to provide service to our mother earth and maintain the balance which will help our clients to cope up with water shortage around the year.

AWH efficient design is robust and equipped with choke resistance mechanism. With proper preventive care taken, we assure that it will not choke at all. The harvesting units installed require very less care and more over it is cost friendly.

The harvesting system is abide by the government policies and laws. As per recommendations minimum 100mm of water must be collected for 45 days in a year.

A few basic elements are common to all rainwater harvesting (RWH) systems

  • The catchment area, where the rain falls.
  • The conveyance, or conduit, system that channels the flow of water in a given direction.
  • Filtration system and water dispensing units.
  • The recharge area, where harvested rainwater is used to replenish groundwater.

Sample of RWH by Anand Water Harvesting


Today we are facing extreme water scarcity situations due to lack of ground water in our area. As stipulated, the ground water in Jamshedpur and near by areas will be completely depleted in next 5 years.

Following an old proverb, ‘Prevention is better than cure’. We (Anand Water Harvesting) brought you rain water harvesting solutions focused to preserving rain water and retaining the ground water levels. Sooner or later, likely every individual has to complete this duty toward mother nature. Its better to be soon rather than to be late!